ZiBaT   => Peter Levinsky   => SWD => curriculum 
Software Design
September 2017-Juni 2018
Updated: 2018-05-31

Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman, 3rd edition ISBN =-13-148906-2

chap 1 Object-oriented Analysis and Design 1-1.9 p. 3-16
chap 2 Iterative, Evolutionary, and Agile 2-2.15

p. 17-40

chap 3 Case Studies 3-3.4

p. 41-44

chap 6 Use Cases 6.1-6.20 + 6.21 + 6.22-6.23

p. 61-93 + 93-99 + 99-100

chap 7 Other Requirements 7-7.3 + 7.5 + 7.7 + 7.9 + 7.11-7.13

p. 101-103 + 107-108 + 111-114 + 115-116 + 117-120
p. 104-106 + 109-111+ 115 + 116-117

chap 9 Domain Model 9-9.5 + 9.6 + 9.7-9.14 + 9.15 + 9.16 + 9.17 + 9.18- 9.20

p. 131-142 + 143-144 + 144-156 + 156-158 + 158-166 + 166-168 + 168-171

chap 10 System Sequence Diagram 10-10.11

p. 173-180

chap 11 Operation Contracts 11-11.8 + 11.9 + 11.10-11.14

p. 181-189 + 190-191 + 191-194

chap 13 Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams 13.0-13.11

p. 197-212

chap 15 UML Interaction diagrams 15-15.4

p. 221-240

chap 16 UML Class Diagram 16-16.21

p. 249-270

chap 17 GRASP: Design Objects with Responsibilities 17.1-17.5 + 17.6-17.15 p. 271-278 + p.278-319
chap 25 Grasp: More objects with Responsibilities 25-25.4

p. 413-434

chap 26 Applying GoF Design Patterns 26-26.12

p. 435-472

chap 30 Relating Use Cases 30-30.5

p. 493-500

chap 31 Domain Model Refinement 31-31.5 + 31.6-31.19

p. 501-510 + 510-533

chap 32 More SSDs and Contracts 32-32.1

p. 535-539

chap 40 More on iterative Developement and Agile Project Management 40-40.4

p. 673-678

Note om Business Generation Canvas:http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/businessmodelgeneration_preview.pdf 
Note MS MVVM: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj883732.aspx
Noter om Gui:
Note om Project management UPEDU:
Project management: http://upedu.org/process/discplns/manageme/int_pm.htm
Testing: http://www.upedu.org/process/discplns/test/int_test.htm
Artifact Software Developement Plan
Artifact Iteration Plan
Artifact Risk List
Artifact Vision-statement og Vision statement template
Scrumboard tool Trello trello.com
Prototype On Paper (link til produkt: https://www.microsoft.com/da-dk/store/p/pop-prototyping-on-paper/9wzdncrdjp7z )
Noter i Fronter:
(1) Testing (testcase)
(2) Hvordan Laver jeg en REST service (net hTTP)
(3) Projekt Management ()
      kap 1 (Type of information System)
      kap 2 (Business Strategy and information System - inkl. SWOT + Porters 5 Forces)
      kap 3 (Business Case)
(4) Analyse værktøjer ValueChain ( http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/fisheries/docs/ValueChain.pdf )
(5) Database Systems (Connolly & Begg)
      kap 20 Transaction (s. 572-597 øverst)

(6) Database Database Solutions (Connolly & Begg)
       kap 1 - Introduction
       Kap 2 - The Relational Model
       Kap 8 - Normalization
         Kap 7 - Entity-Relational modelling
         Kap 11 - Enhanced ER medelling technique
(7) Eksperimenter Christane Floyd
(8) Kvalitets faktorer (artikel) + ISO quality factors (http://iso25000.com/index.php/en/iso-25000-standards/iso-25010?limit=3&limitstart=0)
SQL (DDL,DML): http://www.w3schools.com/sql/
SQL-command: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand(v=vs.110).aspx
BusinessCase Opgave (http://pele-easj.dk/2017e-AU/exercises/business%20analysis%20assignment%202017.pdf)

General information  http://pele-easj.dkl