ZiBaT => Peter
Levinsky => PBA-Database => exercise |
Create an Azure Account for Databases |
Updated : 2018-02-01
Idea : To start the basis for working with Databases (MSSQL)
Helpdesk: https://helpdesk.easj.dk/hc/en-us/articles/205679095-Access-to-Microsoft-Imagine
Follow the giudes from helpdesk (https://helpdesk.easj.dk/hc/en-us/articles/205679095-Access-to-Microsoft-Imagine)
That will in short say:
if you do NOT already have a MS-account (eg. hotmail.com ) create a new account
- just any hotmail address. You will only use it for this purpose (could be 'etha657d-zibat@hotmail.com' - you unilogin).
Now you have a MS-account - Then you can 'Sign in to access'
Hereafter you must verify you to azure using your verifikations-code.
When you have be verified and registed you can go to the Azure Portal
Once in Azure you can create a MS-SQL database, together with APP-WEB-services.
In this exercise you stick to create a Database.
A Database consist actually of two parts
In general yo can have several Database-servers running, where each DB-Server can hold several Databases.
However our Student account in Azure only permits one DB-server- but that will works fine in this course.
Before you actaully can create a Database-Server and a Database you must create a resource group:
Congratulation You have now a DB-Server + a Database (DB), together with a resource-group
You are now ready pass on to the next exercises with Databases.