ZiBaT => Peter Levinsky => IoT=> exercise

State Machines

Updated : 2017-02-01

State Machines

Idea: To understand the principles of State Machines and how to program them in Python

Background: previous exercise PWMandGameController.htm and the slides ( pdf | pptx )

Domain: The old fashion snake game.

snake screenshot


Step 1 : Create the states and the Statemachine

In the Snake game if the snake is heading south AND you push left the snake will heading east BUT if the snake was heading west and you push left it will heading south.

Set up the states and how the four different input (back, forth, left, right) will change the states and describe the output for each pair of state and input e.g. heading south, right => go west

You can draw a diagram with the states and inputs.

Step 2 : Program the state Machine

Based on the Paper (see : https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-01sc-introduction-to-electrical-engineering-and-computer-science-i-spring-2011/unit-1-software-engineering/state-machines/MIT6_01SCS11_chap04.pdf )

Program a Class SM (see paper or slides ) and a new Class SnakeSM to implement the def getNextValues(self, state, inp)

Step 3 : Run Python

Make a program to try out the SnakeSm by simulating input.

Step 4 : Combine The SnakeSM with the joystick

Combine this exercse with the part withthe joystick in previous exercise (see PWMandGameController.htm )