=> Peter Levinsky
=> Programming => exercise |
PHP Twig |
Updated : 2016-09-26
To create a PHP application in PHPStorm using a MVC framework (here Twig).
You are to consume a soap service..
Find your 'old' soap service to calculate (see MyOwnWebServices.htm ).
Publish this soap service in Azure (try to reuse your web-service)
Now run / get the wsdl-file location (' your web-site '\service.svc) e.g. 'http://web-pele-easj.azurewebsites.net/service1.svc'
Refactor your PHP application ( PHP-calculator-twig.html) from simple calculation to using the soap service.
You are to refactor the PHP-page (e.g. 'calculator.php') to use the soap service to make the calculation instead of doing it in the php-page.
(In real live you will not send a soap request for such a small task :-( :: But for the consuming soap skills it is ok :-) )
Notice you do not need to change your view !
You can create another web-site in the azure e.g. i have web-pele-easj for 'normal' web (soap/rest in c#) and php-pele-easj for PHP.
Deploy your PHP calculator to Azure. Follow the help instruction