=> Peter Levinsky
=> Programming => exercise |
Updated : 2016-09-13
To design and implement your own SOAP service using your own defined classes.
You should be able to receive information from a sensor and store the information and in addition retreive them.
The exercise Create you own SOAP-service part2
A sensor are sending information of SensorData (light (byte), temperature (byte), timestamp (string)).
The timestamp is of format: 'YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss'
Make a service that can store these information and retrieve part of the information.
I.e. the service should have these methods:
// Store the data in some datastructures at the server
void StoreData(Sensor sensor);
// Get all the data as a list
List<Sensor> GetAllData();
// Get all data from a specific timestamp (included) and until now
List<Sensor> GetDataFrom(String FromTimestamp)
// Get all data from a specific timestamp (included) and until a specific timestamp(included)
List<Sensor> GetDataFromTo(String FromTimestamp, String ToTimestamp)
Make a unit test of the service-class.
Create a program to use this service (could be a console program or an app).
Use a database for the sensor information instead of some collection.