ZiBaT => Peter Levinsky => PBA-Database => exercise

Create an Azure Account for Databases

Updated : 2018-02-01

Create An Azure Account With a Database

Idea : To start the basis for working with Databases (MSSQL)
Helpdesk: https://helpdesk.easj.dk/hc/en-us/articles/205679095-Access-to-Microsoft-Imagine

Step 1: Imagine -> Order a Azure Code

Follow the giudes from helpdesk (https://helpdesk.easj.dk/hc/en-us/articles/205679095-Access-to-Microsoft-Imagine)

That will in short say:

  1. Open the link: http://dreamspark.easj.dk/
  2. Log in with your edu-mail.
  3. Sellect the product 'Microsoft Azure for Students'
  4. You will receive a Verification-code (5 times 5 characters) - REMEMBER
  5. By the way follow the guidelines.


Step 2: Create a MS-account <> edu.mail

if you do NOT already have a MS-account (eg. hotmail.com ) create a new account
- just any hotmail address. You will only use it for this purpose (could be 'etha657d-zibat@hotmail.com' - you unilogin).

Step 3: Create / Register for Azure

Now you have a MS-account - Then you can 'Sign in to access'

Hereafter you must verify you to azure using your verifikations-code.

  1. Choose 'Microsoft Imagine Verification code'
  2. Copy and insert your Verifikations Code from step 1.
  3. Choose continu.)
  4. Now you are back to the first page with 'Sign in to Access'
    You will have the possibility to register you 'Register Now' - do this.
  5. The next element is to log in with you MS-account (see step 2)


Step 4: Login At Azure portal

When you have be verified and registed you can go to the Azure Portal



Step 5: Create a Database

Once in Azure you can create a MS-SQL database, together with APP-WEB-services.

In this exercise you stick to create a Database.

A Database consist actually of two parts

  1. A Database Server (DB-Server)
  2. A Database (DB)

In general yo can have several Database-servers running, where each DB-Server can hold several Databases.
However our Student account in Azure only permits one DB-server- but that will works fine in this course.

Creating the Database

Before you actaully can create a Database-Server and a Database you must create a resource group:

  1. Create a resource group
    A: Click on ressource group
    B: Click Add
    C: Name the group - The name must be unik eg. 'etha657d-zibat-grp' (unilogin, zibat, group)
         Subscription Must NOT be changed - it should be 'Imagine'.
         Location choose 'North Europe' hereby the server will be located on the other side of the world.
  2. To create your DB-server, you start with the Database
    A: Click 'SQL Databases'
    B: Choose 'Existing ressource group' , the one you created in part 1 just above.
    C: Choose a Name for your Database eg. 'etha657d-zibatj-DB'
    D: Choose Server option - Now you can create the Server
    D1: Choose a Name for your Server eg. 'etha657d-zibatj-DBServer'
    D2: VERY IMPORTENT Give a username + password for the DB-server -> AND REMEMBER THESE!!


Congratulation You have now a DB-Server + a Database (DB), together with a resource-group

You are now ready pass on to the next exercises with Databases.