ZiBaT   => Peter Levinsky   => WEB-Database => curriculum 
WEB 7th semester - Database
February 2018-June 2018
Updated: 2018-05-15

Relational Databases


BIG: Big data forensics – learning Hadoop investigations, Joe Sremack,

DATABASE: Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, Thomas Connolly & Carolyn Begg, 4th edition

DBDESIGN: Beginning database design, Gavin Powell, chapter 4

SERVER: Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming, Paul Atkinson & Robert Vieira

SQLQUE: SQL queries for mere mortals, 2nd edition, John L. Viescas & Michael J. Hernandez

W3SHOOLS: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp 
Different SQL tutorials:


Exam area 1: Terminology

Terminology of the relational model (logical) & anatomy of a relational database (physical):

Database: p. 33-63 + 69-74
SQLQUE: p. 3-17


Exam area 2: Database Modelling

The database modelling using ER-diagrams

SQLQUE, p. 43-44, 47-49


Exam area 3: Normalization and intrigity

The work to ensure entity intrigity (Normalization) and referential intrigity

DBDESIGN, p. 73-103 (Normalisation)
DATABASE, p. 164-168 (Integrity)


Exam area 4: Data Definition Language (DDL)

The creation, update and deletion of metadata (table, view etc.) in the database

W3SCHOOLS: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
DATABASE: p. 168-176


Exam area 5: Data Manipulation Language (DML) part1

Simple querries to one table in the database, including insert, update and delete

W3SCHOOLS: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/(From SQL-HOME to SQL-ALIASES)


Exam area 6: Data Manipulation Language (DML) part2

Advanced queries to two or more tables

W3SCHOOLS, http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp (From Join to insert into select)


Exam area 7: Triggers

The use of triggers to obtain business logic

SERVER chap 15, p. 537-559


Exam area 8: Stored Procedures

The use of stored procedures to add functionallity and business logic to the database

SERVER chap 12, p. 435-472
DATABASE, p. 573-580


Exam area 9: Views, Users and Grants

The maintenaince of multiuser environment in the database

DATABASE, p.176-187
DATABASE, p.189-194


Exam area 10: Visualization of data from a database

The use of tableau to visualize the data from a database and how to handle xml in databases

Tableau : https://www.tableau.com
Exercise 1: Setup Tableau
Exercise 2: Work with Tableau and Air-quality

Exam area 11: Big Data and Hadoop

The principels and terminology of big data and the Hadoop implementation

BIG, p. 12m-16b + 21-28b
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 1+2, lesson 1-3
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 3, lesson 4+6
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 4, lesson 7+8
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 3, lesson 5

Exam area 12: Hadoop and PIG

The hadoop filesystem and the PIG query-language

BIG, p. 21-28b + 37t-37b
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 5

Exam area 13: Hadoop And Hive

The hadoop system and the HIVE query-language

BIG, p. 21-28b +32-33b
https://www.udemy.com/hadoopstarterkit/ Section 6